
Showing posts from September, 2020

Animation - a subject with multi-dimensional properties making it's way to the future

 Now a days animation - an animated presentation, features are not only restricted to the big or small screen. It's everywhere. From entertainment industry, marketing industry, media to (online/classroom) education industry - animation is everywhere depending upon it's usability and necessity. The entertainment and media industry have a huge demand for technically sound, creative minded professionals to make new ideas everyday. But no one is a pro without getting a proper training when it comes to skills like this. Of course the creativity level one has to has within himself but to sharpen that creative mind in a professional manner is undoubtedly the most important thing. And that is for Arena Animation Shyambazar is here. To make all those aspirants stand strong with skills and technical knowledge who dream to make a career in the animation arena the best VFX and Animation Institute in kolkata Arena Animation Shyambazar offers the best course module.  To be a part of a Certi

Multimedia education - let's be friends with the pixels

 What we see on the screen all starts from those smallest controllable elements called pixels. To create a magic on the screen one must tie a bond with these pixels first. Multimedia - Animation, Graphic Designing, VFX and courses related to multimedia education enable one to make a stand in multimedia, entertainment industry.  There are so many aspirants in every part of this world who wish to learn Animation, Graphic Designing and many related courses to play with those pixels and colors and related tools just to create images, videos and things that we might have no idea about as the possibilities, exposure, findings, creation - all are endless. We can never count one's ability of imagination in this field. But to shape a student - a dreamer into a professional these courses are not enough only as long as the delivery technique, experienced faculty, industry experts are not there. To make possible dreams of many  into reality Arena Animation Chowringhee, the best animation and m

How Mrs Sumitra Mitter has ensured that children are getting all-round education

The basic idea that people have about elementary education is just limited to academics. As long as a child can identify alphabets and numbers, parents are satisfied with it. This creates a problem later in primary school when eventually most of the children fail to cope up with the school curriculum. This happens because their roots are weakened in the initial years when the child is at the peak of his growing years. After all, if the roots are weak, no matter how green the tree is, it does fall someday. Principal Sumitra Mitter of Arun Nursery School (ANS) tries to work toward laying a strong foundation for a child’s career by providing an all-round education in her institute. Children are too young to understand the significance and importance of going to the right school. If the atmosphere is not warm and comfortable, their enthusiasm and curiosity will get curbed under pressure. The competition has highly increased over the past two decades and every child feels left behind. A

Financial planning - Makes life easy and balanced

We all know the importance of finance in our life. Having enough money to spend on essential factors and sometimes on factors despite not being most essential but make our soul happy makes life easy and balanced. Salary credit message in our inbox makes most of us the happiest one. But have you ever thought without a proper financial planning if we tend to spend all the money what will we be left with after only a few days we get the money? Zero amount! When we have money, we surely think for the present, but we must think for the future as well. But we are not trained to think like a professional financial planner/advisor. We are not as efficient as a planner when it comes to money matter. We may find many certified financial planner in Kolkata , India. But there comes many factors again like expertise in the financial planning/ advising field, trust factor, client feedback etc. Fortunately the search ends when we find someone like Mr. Uttam Kumar Sen, from Merry Mind , who has been i

Arun Nursery School: Extra-Curricular Activities and their impact on children

  In India, there is a very common orthodox belief that every child needs to perform well in academics to build a successful career. There are very few parents who let their child pursue a career in sports and arts. Now, if one scrutinizes this condition, he will find that the core reason behind this practice lies with the schools. The education pattern followed in schools puts so much pressure on children for excelling in academics that the impact which extra-curricular activities may have on a child’s life is not even realised. This is why there are many talented dancers, singers, actors, sportsperson, etc. who get lost in the crowd of that competition. Mrs. Sumitra Mitter of Arun Nursery School (ANS) realises and recognises the importance of extra-curricular activities and the vital role they play in moulding a better future for her students. Her school is climbing the stairs of success because of the balance it maintains between academics and extra-curricular activities like spor