Sumitra Mitter: The torchbearer of Arun Nursery School

 “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”, quotes Benjamin Franklin, a genius and mastermind American polymath of his times. The quote holds deep meaning- explaining the essence of teaching and the role of a teacher in just three lines. If a child is told something, he may forget it in a while. If he is taught something, he would remember it as long as he can. But if you involve him in doing something, he will learn. This theory may not be very popular in the education system that most schools generally follow, but there are individuals like Sumitra Mitter- who truly believe in this and use this as a guiding principle while formulating the school curriculum and planning the activities that the students will do all year which will aid in their learning process.

The problem with the traditional teaching approach is that it is strictly theoretical which can cage the minds of little children. Most of the elementary schools force a book in the hands of a child who does not even understand its purpose. This is why students lose their eagerness to learn something new and do not feel like going to school. Arun Nursery School targets exactly the core of this problem and works with a mantra of making the students “love to learn”. This approach has yielded success and the school has gained huge popularity because of their innovative teaching methods which involve the students actively in the learning process.

The credit of this achievement is largely given to Sumitra Mitter and her vision for creating an ambience in the school where the child can truly experience the joy of learning. She has indeed changed the face of elementary education in Kolkata, India. Her out of the box thinking and modern approaches of teaching have allowed the children of her school to flourish and grow in an incredible environment. Few of the basic ideas she had that has proved to make a difference are:

● She has built a team of teachers who are trained in engaging the students in the learning process. Every mentor of the school tries to bring something new to the table every day. This helps the students in becoming comfortable in the school atmosphere which is an extremely vital part of the whole process.

● Modern techniques like wet and dry activity, theme teaching, picture learning, etc. are used for explaining the subjects. These activities can do wonders in capturing the attention of the students by keeping them engaged and interested.

● Extra-curricular activities like singing, dancing, yoga, exercise, painting, etc. are given equal importance so that every child can explore his interests and discover what he is passionate about.

● Apart from academics, students are also given lessons in spirituality for keeping them grounded. Through innovative methods, they are also introduced to the traditions and culture of India.

All these ideas and practices are implemented regularly in the school curriculum to ensure the overall growth of the students. There is no doubt that a principal lays the foundation of a school and Sumitra Mitter has successfully laid a strong one.


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