Android applications - Time for security checkpoints

With the wave of digitization we all became dependent on smartphones for doing even the smallest work in a day. While experiencing the advantages of internet, cyber world we unfortunately can't deny the presence of cyber-criminals. Every android smartphone do have a number of applications to make our life easy. Mobile applications often process sensitive data. So it is very important to find security vulnerabilities that is always the key target of a cyber-criminal.

Android application penetration testing is performed to improve the security of a mobile app. When building mobile applications, assigned developer must ensure a high level of data security to prevent attackers from exploiting client-side sensitive information. But if any loop wholes still get there a professional penetration tester will identify those security weaknesses and shall fix them before an attacker identifies. This whole process focuses on the tools and techniques for testing the security of android mobile applications.

INDIAN SCHOOL OF ETHICAL HACKING (ISOEH) has a dedicated course on Android Application Penetration Testing (Advance Level). As the dependency on android applications has reached the top, the safety of the users are being the top priority for the app makers. Skillful trained professional are also in high demand in the industry for so. 

INDIAN SCHOOL OF ETHICAL HACKING the best Cyber Security Institute in Kolkata being well aware of the rising cyber threats, cyber-criminals, client-side safety, the demand for trained professionals in the security industry offers other security courses as well.


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