Let's keep our system safe - Be aware of Cyber crime!

We are in the 21st century and in the middle of the wave of digitization. The whole system we depend on for our works to get done has mostly become digitized. We rely so much on internet facilities, smart devices, a computer system for almost every other work. This whole network system thus has all the access to our personal data, information, assets, our virtual presence. Indian School of Ethical Hacking one of the best cybersecurity colleges in Kolkata believes we all need to be very careful while using the internet. 

To secure all access from cybercriminals and cyber threats ethical hacking is the only way the system has. Many study programs related to cybersecurity, ethical hacking, network security, etc ensure people know the necessary knowledge regarding this whole system. Students who religiously study these subjects turn to be professionals and take charge of this whole security system. 

Ethical hacking, a globally certified course program offered by ISOEH i.e. Indian School of Ethical Hacking helps understand the basic and advanced things regarding hacking but in a lawful way. Ethical Hacking is a process of investigating the whole network, a system done by trained professionals (ethical hackers) to find any weak points, vulnerabilities in the system, a network. that can be otherwise found and exploited by illegal threats, computer viruses, black hat hackers, phishing and so many others. To tighten the security in the network, system one needs proper ethical hacking training from expert professionals.

Both, ethical hacker and the criminal hacker also known as 'White Hat Hacker' and 'Black Hat Hacker' respectively have the knowledge to penetrate the system and finds the loopholes but the main difference between the both is the permission of the authorization. Ethical hackers are permitted legally to intrude the network and do the scanning whereas criminal hackers are illegal intruders. The certified ethical hacker training course provided by ISOEH is recognized globally and responsible to give the best knowledge to its students. 


  1. Indian Cyber Security Solutions (ICSS) offers a cutting-edge Diploma in Cyber Security Training. Develop your expertise in threat analysis, network security, and ethical hacking through hands-on training. Join ICSS and secure your place in digital defense!


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