Eye Health Caring Tips - Do These To Ensure The Optimal Health.

Eyes - The most precious gift we have. Let's not take these beautiful pair for granted and take proper care to maintain a healthy eyesight. Following are few ways/tips to take good care of our eyes. 


First and foremost let's have a healthy and nutritious food habit in order to have a good eyesight. Foods like The fish that contains the most beneficial levels of omega-3 are beneficial for our eyes. Fishes includes - tuna, salmon, trout, mackerel ere few examples. Nuts are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin E. Walnuts, Brazil Nuts, Cashews, Lentils are some examples that we must consume for eye health. Seed like Chia seeds, Flax seeds etc, Leafy green vegetables, citrus fruits, Carrots, Eggs etc are very helpful when it comes to proper foods that help us take care of a good and healthy eyes. 


Wearing sunglasses not only make us look more fashionable and are not only a fashion accessory. Optissimo, one of the best eye store in Mauritius believes we must not consider sunglasses just as a pair of fashion accessories but also a protective measure against UV rays. These pair of sunglasses help us from the harmful sun UV rays. Wearing a good quality sunglasses that offers UV protection help to keep us safe from the sun’s damaging rays. Also serious health issues like Glaucoma, Cancer, Cataracts etc occur due to the exposure to the harmful UV radiation. So make sure to wear a good quality sunglasses even if it's cloudy outside.

Best sunglasses in Mauritius


Looking at computer, tablet, TV, and smartphone screens may make your eyes tired and cause eyestrain. Books and written documents can also cause eyestrain when looked upon for extended periods. So, make sure to get your head up, look away from the docs and just blink your eyes for a few seconds to relieve the strain. Also make sure you have adequate lighting when you are on the computer. Screen filters are available to minimize glare.


We should protect our eyesight by taking good care of our contact lenses. One must follow the prescription guidelines thoroughly when handling your contacts. Invest only in the best quality contact lens to protect your eyes from any damages. Also wash your hands thoroughly before taking contact lenses in or out. Use lens cleaner and drops that are recommended to clean your contact lens. Consult your ophthalmologist or optometrist whenever in need without doing something on your own. 

Best contact lens in Mauritius


Smoking increases many eye related diseases such as cataract, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), dry eyes, diabetic retinopathy etc. 

Also, conducting regular eye check ups, not using too much of cosmetic products, taking protective measures for eyes are some ways to take proper care for these precious organ. 


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