The new smart manager (Jack of every trade)

As the famous saying of speech goes, "Jack of all trades, Master of none." The statement refers to the type of people who have engaged themselves in several skills but failed to expertise even one of them. Initially, it was used randomly like a form of praise until the term "master of none" was attached. However, the phrase has occupied multiple states throughout the years. In this short blog, we will share the pros of hiring a new smart manager who is the jack of every trade.

Pros of Hiring a Smart manager:

  1. Can be a blessing for startups

As startups hold a limited amount of resources in terms of financial capital and skilled individuals, a multi-talented individual can serve different areas as well as accomplish many organizational goals.

A jack of all trades could serve the purpose of programming or could be a professional writer. Therefore, instead of hiring multiple individuals, hiring one expert could be fruitful.

  1. Diverse Skill Set:

If you have multiple departments in your organization, this person could be useful in managing them all. The individual with good command over speech and technical knowledge with managerial skills can often handle a team and bring positive outputs. Hiring a person with a versatile skill set is a win-win situation for any recruiter.

  1. Long term learner

A person with various skills will never let you down. You can put him in any department; they are learners for life. Such people are always thirsty for knowledge, and there's no way of impossibilities for them.

  1. Great fit for leadership

A leader with vast knowledge is the best that you get. They understand every domain's real aspects and support the team members in any doubt or difficulties.

PGDM course in Kolkata


A person who holds the title 'Jack of all Trades' is superior to the average employee. They are enthusiasts and support your organization to grow.


Calcutta Business School

Calcutta Business School or CBS is one of the prestigious colleges in Kolkata. We offer an AICTC approved two-year PGDM (Postgraduate diploma in Management) and MDP (Management Development Programs).

Along with the top-notch curriculum, we also offer an environment that is smart and eco-friendly.



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