Why Mrs Sumitra Mitter has devoted her life to children?

 Mrs Sumitra Mitter is the honourable Principal of Arun Nursery School. This school is mainly designed to cater to toddlers and nursery level children. KG admissions are based on vacancies available. It can be considered to be one of the top category schools that aim to impart knowledge and teachings to little children and build them into strong well-disciplined individuals. 

Now, admitting and teaching little children is not a trivial task and neither is it an easy one. But Principal Sumitra Mitter is not one to shy away from a challenge and it is easier for her because of her undying devotion to little children. The unconditional love and nourishing tendencies she harbours for children is inherent in her and she has worked hard to make the best use of it.

Being a strong personality who realizes her role in the society she functions, she acknowledged that children are the roots of the tree in which a society stands on. If they are taught well and with love, they grow up to smart, confident, self-reliant and resilient individuals who strive to be the best version of themselves. 

Principal Sumitra Mitter could have done very well and excel in any other field she’d chosen. But it was a spiritual calling from within herself that urged her to follow a career path in which she is surrounded and responsible for innocent children with unlimited potential to achieve anything and everything. 

Arun Nursery School

Nurturing Young Individuals and New Ways of Learning

Sumitra Mitter Arun Nursery School became the way through which she could feed her own contentment and her ever-growing devotion towards children. Making the school better in every way possible, running the lead amongst her impeccably hard-working team of teachers helping her cause and giving children the opportunity to be hungry for more knowledge, learn and grow into strong individuals is the only goal she is striving to accomplish now. 

Arun Nursery School is more than a school, it is a temple of insurmountable knowledge and experiences that the little children live, learn and grow through. Overcoming traditional methods of teaching and outdated teaching patters, Principal Sumitra Mitter encourages modern means of teaching that are refreshing and inclusive of multiple aspects in learning as well as appropriate for the restless minds of little children. 

  • Theme Teaching

A refreshing attempt to make lesson learning a lot brighter and interesting is Theme Teaching. Focusing on the motive of ‘Concept over Context’ and teaching about colours, animals, plants etc via class assignments like identifying the red objects etc are examples of theme teaching.

  • Physical Education

Recognizing the importance and benefits of physical wellness and exercise in one’s life, physical education classes are scheduled and held to incorporate this habit into the children’s routine. Drill displays, Darshan Days, P.T, game days are a few ways through which the importance of physical wellness is taught to these little individuals. 

Sumitra Mitter

  • Vital Education

Teaching how to be able to aptly use sense organs and encouraging awareness of refined character are two prominent aspects of vital education. Beyond the textbook knowledge and lessons, this aspect of education is imperative for the young ones. Group activities, art and craft, music classes, life skills like simple chores and importance sharing are a few examples of vital education.

The school and its running fuel is fabricated with honourable principals and ideals. Its goal is to teach children beyond the traditional academic means of bland textbooks and forced assignments. The teachers and staff are directed by Principal Sumitra Mitter to make a conscious effort into making the lessons as refreshing yet as impactful as possible. This ensures that the students get the best guidance and support necessary for their growth.


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