Let's Bring Some Light To The Tribal Community Through India Tribal Care Trust - Tribal Welfare Trust in Kolkata

Working for a community that has been dwelling in the darkness for many long years is not an easy job to get done. We are talking about the scheduled tribes, the tribal community. Many of us still do not have any idea of the life they are leading. Have we ever been exposed to the grassroots tribal areas? Well, we have not been so. It is very unfortunate that these tribes do not even know how unprivileged they are, even after these long years of independence. 

NGO for tribal welfare in Kolkata

We are so fortunate to get all the basic necessities, amenities, but these people still are struggling to get their rights. Right to have a better life, Right to have a healthy life. Right to education, right to medical facilities, empowerment, habitat to name some basic necessities. But there are some people who think for this community and are fighting to get some light into their life. But it is never possible to do something single-handedly. Thus NGOs are there. 

India Tribal Care Trust is one of them. Being a known charitable trust for tribal upliftment in India, ITCT has been working for the tribal community with full energy and dedication. But as it is said, nothing comes so easily when you are on the right path. Hurdles will be there, struggles will be there. Let's know the areas India Tribal Care Trust is focusing on for the development of these tribes.

  • Education - Education is another prominent area everyone should be enlightened with. ITCT specially designed some programs that encourage the tribal people to send their kids to the school. These programs include free coaching classes, patshalas, ITCT schools, hostels, mid-say meals, scholarships etc. This helps to find the bright students among the rest and help everyone get the basic education.

  • Social care - India Tribal Care Trust being a recognized NGO for tribal welfare in Kolkata is also involved with different projects like providing pure drinking water to the tribal areas, Women empowerment, Vocational training, Food distribution, Disaster relief, Housing projects, Organic farming etc.

Despite this dedication and hard work, ITCT also faces challenges and difficulties. These difficulties come both ways, many ways.


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